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Arvind Upadhyay Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Business coach Arvind is leading business coach and strategist for top business owners and entrepreneurs who want to grow their business, life and success. Grow your business to grow your health, wealth and happiness with leading business coach.He is recognised by the University of Pennsylvania top leadership and business expert .Arvind upadhyay is the founder of Arvind Enterprises Group a multinational conglomerate company. He is also top leadership and business expert .He is the ceo of the self -development & leading training and development for individuals and organizations company Arvind Upadhyay International.


Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders. Since a company is the sum total of what employees achieve individually, organizations should do everything in their power to ensure that employees perform at their peak.What is the importance of training in the workplace? Training leads to better processes and business growth. In today’s ever-changing marketplace, the importance of job training has never been greater. Workforce training is an indispensable way to keep your organization competitive. Employees are human, most will have weaknesses or gaps in their professional skills. Furthermore, most professional people are specialists of one kind or another. Much of what goes on in your organization is likely to fall outside of the training each individual worker already has.Having a high quality and comprehensive employee training development program enables you to strengthen the skills your workforce does possess as well as to build up knowledge where it is lacking. An employee training development program will bring all of your staff up to a higher standard of competency so that your entire team can share a common set of knowledge and skills. Such a program will repair any weak links that may exist in your organization and cause the workload to be more evenly spread among your workers. By providing ongoing workforce training, you will enable one employee to pick up where another left off, keeping them all on the same page without having to provide constant help and supervision. The importance of employee training to an organization should never be underestimated. And, ongoing training can be thought of as the best insurance policy against all sorts of the inevitable changes and the unforeseeable needs that will arise in your organization from time to time. Reasons for training: Turnover New technology Cost control Role & career flexibility Orientation New appraisal techniques Skill & labor shortage Globalization & speed of change Product & service quality Change management The benefits of training on an ongoing basis also includes the maintenance of team cohesion, the creation of a common mindset and a shared vocabulary. As with learning, in general, the benefits of training your team are a challenge to enumerate. There are, however, several clear benefits. Ongoing training will… Enable your team to respond to technological changes that can affect their job requirements. Help workers respond to the changes that come from organizational restructuring. Give them the ability to adapt to changes resulting from increased diversity in the workforce. Work to facilitate career development. Help to meet your employee’s need for continued growth If you’re still wondering why training is important, consider these stats: Companies that invest in employee training have highly engaged employees and see 24% higher profits than companies that don’t focus on training. CSO Insights found that effective sales training can help new reps meet quota up to seven weeks faster than the industry average. The Aberdeen Group found that companies with successful sales training programs have 32% higher team quota attainment, 24% better individual rep quota attainment, and 23% higher lead conversion. In a study by QATC, employees noted that the top reason they decide to leave a company is the lack of employee training and development. The objectives of training Every business should strive for higher productivity, quality improvement, the reduction of learning time, industrial safety, the reduction of turnover, and strive to establish and maintain an effective management team. These are the objectives of training and development in an organization. There are a myriad of ways companies can do this and, no matter what it is you’re doing, chances are T&D are a part of it. Here are just a few of the objectives of training. Impart job-related knowledge to your staff: Whether it’s on the job entry-level training or training aimed at adapting to changing economic, political, and technological climates- the purpose of workforce training is to enable your employees to better do their jobs. Impart skill knowledge systematically: The organization of training events is generally done in a group setting, using teams, groups, or communications technology to reach the largest number of employees simultaneously and to do it in a way that is educationally sound. Improve the productivity of the workers and the organization: A central concern for any organization, whether or not it is for profit, is productivity. It is a rare situation indeed where efficiency is not desirable, and where more efficiency is not even more desirable. Improve safety standards: No one wants to work in an unsafe environment. Improving safety in the workplace can improve productivity and prevent all varieties of losses, human, and capital. To enhance equipment handling practices: By instilling the correct methods for the use of workplace equipment, training can reduce injuries, lessen the damage, and improve efficiency. Using the process known as smart objectives training teams can help to ensure their programs have the best chance of fulfilling all of these objectives. Our objectives of training and development of employees should be: Specific: Your goal is direct and detailed. Measurable: The objectives are quantifiable to track progress and success. Achievable: The list of training objectives are realistic and you have the tools needed to attain them. Relevant: Training goals align with your company’s mission. Time-Oriented: Your goals also have a deadline or specific milestones in place.

The difference between training and development

Sometimes known as ‘learning & development,’ the main difference between training and development is that training is generally focused on the acquisition of new skills, while development is concerned with the improvement or extension of existing skills. So we rarely think about development alone since, without training, there aren’t any skills to develop. That’s because training and development are the primary ways to improve individual, group, and company performance. The goals of training and development Improve efficiency Improve team morale Improve human relations Reduce supervisory needs Improve organizational flexibility and viability The training and development process Determine your company’s training needs and wants. Decide what are your desired results. Set out clear types of training objectives List clear summaries of your objectives. Choose optimal T&D methods. Know your training options and select the right ones. Implement programs. Set up and execute your training programs. Evaluate programs. Have adequate evaluation methods in place and execute them. It is important to understand what is involved in the implementation of any employee training and development program. Understand that workforce T&D means change. Be sure that your organization is ready for the improvements that your workforce will want to execute after their training is complete. They must have the authority and resources to use their new skills. Qualified trainers must be available to perform the required training. And these trainers need to understand what your company’s objectives are. The main purpose of training is to produce a positive change in the functioning of an organization. As applied to the individual, it amounts to an upgrade to that person’s knowledge or skills. As it applies to a team, training incorporates organizational and communication elements that can multiply your team’s productivity dramatically. The benefits of training and development Now that we know what the differences between training and development are, it’s time to discuss the real reasons why we’re so interested in the importance of training. When it comes down to it, there are a ton of benefits of training and development for employees. Often, it’s easy to overlook these benefits because it just seems like training takes too much time and effort. Additionally, many companies don’t track their training efforts so they really don’t see the benefits of training programs. But, those that do track their training programs see clear benefits of training and development in the workplace. So, why should your organization implement training, and how long can you afford to put it off? The benefits of training in an organization can be as broad and profound as the imaginations of those who receive training in the first place. Let’s take a look at some of our favorite benefits. Address weaknesses and skill gaps: It’s inevitable that employees will have some type of weaknesses in their workplace skills. The good news is there’s always room for improvement. A training program gives everyone the opportunity to strengthen those skills. This helps ensure that everyone on your team is up to par and can perform their job day in and day out. With proper training and development, weakness can turn into strengths and your employees can excel. Improve performance: Once weaknesses are turned into strengths, your employees will really have the chance to improve their performance. Training gives everyone a great understanding of their responsibilities and the knowledge and skills they need to do that job. This will enhance their confidence which can also improve their overall performance. Additionally, they’ll know the in’s and out’s of their role and your company to the point where they can come up with strategy ideas and help other teammates improve. Foster growth: The bottom line of any business is financial growth. If one could do it alone, there would be no need for a workforce. And every workforce must be trained. The better the training, the better your company’s growth. Your most valuable employees are ambitious and have room to grow. By giving them the training they need to maximize their skills, they will be able to fill out those hard to reach goals that only the most talented and dedicated employees can. Enhance satisfaction: By investing in training, companies show their employees that they are valued and that they matter. Because training gives employees access to information they wouldn’t have had access to, they feel rewarded with a sense of satisfaction that employees at corporations with poor training programs tend to lack. This goes a long way in making employees feel appreciated and satisfied with their careers. Increase consistency: An effective training program ensures that employees have a consistent experience and background of knowledge. This consistency is extremely important when it comes to understanding processes, products, or services. For example, a robust customer service training program ensures that your agents and reps are more likely to deliver a consistent experience to customers. Or, for a sales team, this means that everyone knows how to deliver a great first demo. This is a great way to make sure all employees are aware of the expectations and best practices of their team. Reduce turnover: Employee turnaround costs you time and money. By training your staff proactively, you can improve their confidence and their abilities. Fewer mistakes will be made, so fewer people will have to be fired as a result of accidents. Frustration levels will be lower. And you will develop a team of experts that you and your team can be proud of. Enhance company reputation and demand: A strong training program is a great way to improve your company’s brand and reputation. Employees want to have access to ongoing training and development opportunities. So, by offering different types of training, your company is likely to attract new talent. Additional Benefits Increased productivity Employee confidence is built, developing key performers, team organization & morale. Employees are kept current on developing information, further contributing to improved customer service. Employees are updated on new, enhanced skills and advanced methods. They will use what they learn to further your business goals and objectives. Companies can receive a fresh professional perspective. Job satisfaction, employee motivation, and morale are increased, reducing employee turnover. Processes gain efficiency Types of training There are probably just as many possible kinds of training as there are subjects to learn and people to teach. First, let’s take a closer look at the different types of training: They are: Skills training: focuses on job-related knowledge used for new hires & correcting performance defects. Retraining: for the maintenance and updating of worker knowledge used for technological innovation & intra-organizational changes. Cross-functional training: to generate skill-redundancy in the workforce so that employees can perform in a wider variety of capacities. This is used for flexibility in scheduling & enhanced coordination Team training: for self-directed teams to develop; management skills, coordination skills, and cross-functionality. Creativity training: uses innovative teaching and learning methods in order to enhance workforce ability to generate new and innovative ideas and to discover novel approaches. Literacy training: used to improve the basic skills of a workforce in reading, writing, mathematics, and effectiveness habits such as punctuality, cooperation, and responsibility. Diversity training: utilizes advanced sociological findings to instill awareness, respect, and acceptance of persons of a different gender, race, religion, background, etc. Compliance training: mandated by legislation to educate your team on laws or regulations specific to their job or industry. Good compliance training prioritizes the health and safety of your employees. Security training: helps teams act in a secure and safe way to protect their company from fraud or malicious activity from others. Sales training: enables reps to build relationships, improve negotiation skills, and manage a sales pipeline. Customer service training: to improve customer relations, communication, response time, and response quality in order to enhance customer satisfaction In addition to different types of training, there are also different types of training delivery methods. These include: Online learning: Team members access training through online training software. Coaching: Employees receive coaching and feedback from their manager or trainer. Hands-on practice: This gives employees the chance to practice applying a skill or knowledge in a simulated environment or practice scenario. Role playing: A group of team members come together to role play through a common situation that they’ll face in their job. Classroom/group training: Usually, led by an instructor, this type of training brings people into one location for live training. Different types of training methods Depending on the needs and resources of your organization, you will need to choose the method for your training. They may be web-based, in the classroom, or on-hand. Your choice will depend on the following factors. Your list of training objectives: It’s important to remember the purpose of your training objectives and what you really want to accomplish. The time available: Do you need to complete training in a matter of a few days, weeks, or months? Cost of training: Will you need to bring in an outside trainer or subject matter expert? If you complete training in-person, will you need to pay for your employees to travel? The level of the participant’s understanding: Is this topic or subject relatively new for learners? Or, do they have a basic understanding of what training will cover? The size of your group: Do you need to provide training to a small group of employees or your entire team? The available facilities: Will a conference room at your office hold everyone who needs to attend training? Or, does everyone have their own computer for online training? Types of training ppt are available from many different sources and can be a handy reference guide when designing a training program. But it is important to be as flexible and open-minded as possible when designing your programs in a way that best suits the training needs of your unique workforce. Employee development ideas There are a number of widely recognized and good employee training and development ideas. But the best employee development ideas for your company will depend on the nature of your organization, the character of your staff, the resources you have available, the limits of your creativity and the power of your imagination. The basics Well-designed training programs maximize learning before, during and after instruction. An effective program includes orientation, classroom instruction, and on-the-job training, which is also known as blended learning. Online instruction is an increasingly sensible option that enables your employees to learn at a customized pace with unlimited access to the learning material. Self-directed learning This training style allows individual employees to control their own learning, accommodating different learning styles and encouraging personal ownership of the learning process. This approach also enables many employers and employees to develop a personal development plan or learning contract. It is signed by both parties, and should clearly outline the learning goals at the outset. Cross-training & job rotation Job rotation moves employees through different positions. The rotation can last hours, months or however long is needed to develop competence. Cross-training is a variety of job rotation where an employee learns the skills of a different position without necessarily holding responsibility for the position being learned. These approaches can prepare workers for promotion, rejuvenate teams, and enhance communication.


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