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Learn How Money Works This isn’t just learning to understand that you need more money coming in than going out. Sure, that’s important too. However, you need to go beyond that simple truth. You need to truly understand how money works. Learn about interest, risk tolerance, and investing. Learn how to get your money to work for you, rather than always working for your money. Finally, learn how to save and how those dollars can snowball into a huge sum over time). Once you understand how money works and how it can work on your behalf, you will be more likely to be successful in the long run. Develop Transferable Soft Skills One of the best ways to invest in yourself is to develop soft skills. These are qualities that are transferable — no matter who you work for or where you make money. Soft skills are things like good communication, problem solving, and leadership. They can transfer across a wide variety of careers. You can also translate these soft skills into a side gig (or full-blown business) if an opportunity presents itself down the road. Being able to transfer skills across career fields can make you valuable and marketable. Do your best to improve upon your transferable skills so that you can be an asset no matter where you go. For example, there are groups like Toastmasters that can help you practice your presentation and public speaking skills. There are also writing classes that can help you write more coherently and effectively. Take a couple of them to get started. Continue to Learn One of the best things you can do for yourself is to keep learning. Whether you work to acquire new skills, refine your abilities in an area of expertise, or just continue to build up knowledge, it makes sense to invest in a good education. This doesn’t mean you need to go into debt just to go back to college though. There are multiple ways to keep learning. Education can be helpful to learn more about starting a business or to learn more about something that interests you. Get a certification, finish a degree, or just read up so that you are more knowledgeable about a hobby of interest. If your employer ever offers to send you to a training course of any kind, you should happily accept. You also want to read a variety of sources, making it a point to consider opposing viewpoints. Continuous learning and critical thinking can help you solve problems with creativity. It can also help you get out of any number of jams with your money. Build Your Network Don’t forget to build a network of people you can count on. Your relationships with others can be valuable and make you a more valuable asset. You might be able to find a better job through your network. Your network can also offer professional and personal opportunities to grow and develop. You might even find a new business partner or opportunity through your network. This is useful even for the employee who isn’t trying to build a business on his or her own. I’ve seen plenty of executives leverage their network to find good vendors or people that will help the company they work for. A network is very valuable. Make it a point to offer value to those around you and you will be investing in yourself and your future down the road. Invest in Close Relationships A good support system is vital if you want to succeed in life. With the right support system, you can get through health troubles, emotional difficulties, and even financial problems. Your emotional wellbeing will be improved and you will experience less stress. Invest in relationships with your friends and family, especially your life partner and your children. You may think you need as many friends as possible, but it’s actually better to take the time to develop a few deep and meaningful relationships. When it comes to your social circle, quality beats quantity. Make the effort to reach out to your friends and you will enjoy a better life. Don’t Neglect Your Health You can take better advantage of opportunities if you are in good health. Work to improve your health this year and you will have more energy with a sharper mind. You should exercise more, but don’t forget to eat better as well. Make a plan to eat more healthy meals by making more meal at home. The side benefit of cooking is that you are standing up and doing something physical instead of sitting around even more than you need to. The difference may seem small but any activity helps over time. As part of investing in your health, you should also sleep better. You need to reduce your stress level in order to improve your health and that includes getting enough hours of bedtime. Your mind will work better and your emotional state will be improved. Create a Side Hustle Everyone should try to develop a side hustle. That’s because having an additional income stream is such a stress reliever. And plus, extra money is helpful to just about everyone. Whether it’s walking the neighbor’s dogs, teaching a class online, or selling crochet beanies you’ve made in your spare time, a side hustle can keep your mind sharp and provide you with some side income to boot. Invest Time to Learn a New Hobby One good way to spend on yourself is to develop a new hobby. These days, most hobbies need tools, equipment, or a class or two to get started. Allow yourself to learn something new that you will enjoy spending time on. Don’t see it as a money waster, but as a way for you to feel recharged and ready to tackle the struggles of life that will come from time-to-time. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional self so that you are better able to handle problems should they arise in the future. Invest in Your Future Speaking of the future, look ahead to what you want to accomplish down the road. Consider what plans you can make to reach your objectives. If you need a certain certification or if you need to make a plan to start a business, figure out how you can make it happen. Look at your current financial situation and decide how you can improve, whether it’s trying to pay down debt faster or figuring out a way to increase your income. Start now to take the steps to prepare for what’s next. This is an investment that can pay off big down the road. Don’t Forget Actual Investing Finally, let’s circle back on traditional wealth investing. Investing in stocks, bonds, and other investments are still a way to invest in yourself too. When you learn how to grow your money, that means less of your livelihood is dependent on that paycheck. Money brings with it a certain amount of freedom. As you accumulate more, you’ll get a taste of the promised land of financial independence. That’s why I’ve never seen saving money as a sacrifice. To me, the best thing money can buy is freedom. And when you have it, you will feel more relaxed. Invest for the long term and you’ll be investing in yourself too. The Bottom Line You are your best asset. Take a step back and determine what you can do to improve yourself. Do it today. Improve your mind and your physical health and create a support system. Plan for the future. Figure out what you need to do in order to change your course. When you take the time to improve yourself, you will receive big dividends that keeps on giving. Just like they say with an education, no one can take away what you invest in yourself. When you make the effort, the benefits are all yours. We have all observed the exponential increase in choices over the last decade. Yet even in the midst of it, and perhaps because of it, we have lost sight of the most important ones. As Peter Drucker said, “In a few hundred years, when the history of our time will be written from a long-term perspective, it is likely that the most important event historians will see is not technology, not the Internet, not e-commerce. It is an unprecedented change in the human condition. For the first time—literally—substantial and rapidly growing numbers of people have choices. For the first time, they will have to manage themselves. And society is totally unprepared for it.”

Your habits and actions have a profound effect on your overall well-being and happiness. The current situation you are in has been greatly determined by your past actions, habits and decisions. By making small changes and investing in yourself in positive ways today, you will ultimately be creating a brighter future for yourself, and you will be very happy that you did so.

Listed below are some key ways to start investing in yourself and changing your life for the better. Even if you only choose to incorporate a few of these ideas into your life, the positive effect will be huge.

1. Watch Less TV, and Choose More Positive Shows

Too many people waste their valuable time by watching too much TV, especially programming that has no merit. To make matters worse, these people get hooked and spend a big chunk of their time indulging in it. Most of the stuff on television today teaches us little to nothing about becoming a better person. Fortunately, this is slowly changing and there is an increasing influx of programs that can teach us a lot. Greatly reduce the amount of TV you watch and, when you do watch TV, be discriminate about what is on your screen.

2. Visit Positive Websites

The amount of time some people waste online on frivolous web sites is shocking. Many people spend hours checking Facebook and updating their status numerous times per day, reading sensational news, watching videos with no merit on YouTube, etc. Imagine how much time these people expend and waste per year, and just imagine all the ways that valuable time could be spent more wisely. I am not suggesting that staying in touch with your friends on Facebook is bad, but do it in moderation.

3. Read Books or eBooks

Reading is a fantastic way to invest in yourself. It also is a relatively cheap activity and can even oftentimes cost nothing. With the advent of the Kindle, iPad and Nook, it is even easier to find great reading material. Reading regularly has tremendous benefits. It stimulates your imagination, improves your vocabulary, increases your general knowledge, helps you relax, allows you to tap into the minds of great thinkers, assists you in solving problems, and it can be tremendously entertaining. Almost all the great leaders in this world spend time reading.

4. Stay In Touch with Family and Friends

Your family and friends are valuable and it pays to stay in touch with them and give them your time. It will deepen your relationships with them and show them you care. Invest time and effort in staying in touch with them regularly, whether in person, via telephone, email, or Skype, etc. You will be happy that you did in the long run. Make an effort to reach out to at least one person per day.

5. Choose Your Friends Wisely

The types of friends you choose to be around have a dramatic effect on your own actions and behaviors. The old adage, “birds of a feather flock together” is especially true when it comes to your friends. If you want to be successful, happy, positive, healthy, more productive, etc, make sure you associate with people who possess those attributes. Conversely, if you currently have friends who do not conform to your goals, politely get rid of them, or, at the very least, greatly reduce the amount of time you spend with them.

6. Get Rid of Toxic Friends

Having good friends is an important aspect of life. But having friends who are a positive influence is even more important. Be discriminate when choosing your friends and get rid of the ones who are negative, problem-laden, unmotivated, and who do not care about bettering themselves. To a large extent, you are a product of your environment and this includes the company you keep. Find friends that share your values.

7. Find a Mentor

If you are serious about investing in yourself and your future, find someone to mentor you, especially in a field you want to excel in. You will be surprised by how many experts are willing to share their knowledge and experience with you if you simply ask. In fact, you should seek multiple mentors, each with their own skillset. Finding someone to mentor you will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes that the mentor made in the past, afford you the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques, and it will provide invaluable inspiration.

8. Learn Something New and Take a Class

You should always be learning a new skill or process. That is what successful people do constantly. They are where they are at because they are always improving themselves. If you do not make it a point to keep learning, you are stagnant and getting left behind in a world that is constantly changing. You could enroll in your local community college, online classes, sign up for a course, attend a talk conducted by an expert, watch TED talks, etc. The possibilities are endless.

9. Engage in Creative Activities

It is great to engage in creativity in your life because it develops certain areas of your brain. It also teaches you how to think differently while having fun doing something different. Instead of spending time in a bar, sign up for a pottery or art class, redecorate a room in your home, or try your hand at creative writing. It will enrich your life.

10. Learn a Language

I believe that everyone should learn a second language, if not a third. Mastering another language has tremendous advantages. It affords you insight into a different culture and allows you to enjoy your travels more. It also helps develop your brain in a unique way. Being bilingual makes you more valuable in the workplace and that means you are more hirable. It even has been proven to stall or prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. And it makes you a more interesting person. Best of all, learning a new language has never been more affordable.

11. Set Goals

Setting goals is one of the most powerful ways to invest in yourself, yet many people neglect to do so. Setting clear goals is like looking at a map and determining your eventual destination. It is much better than driving around aimlessly and hoping that you will reach a destination you like. It provides you with a clear focus and helps you decide how to spend your time. It makes decision-making much clearer. It also allows you to plan more effectively and attain amazing results.

12. Plan Your Day and Week

After you set your goals, it is important to plan how you are going to achieve it. Goal-setting is the act of deciding your destination. Planning, on the other hand, is similar to determining how you are going to get there. It is the route you are going to take to your destination. Without planning, it is nearly impossible to achieve your goals because you will waste valuable time and other resources wandering aimlessly. All productive people plan, so invest in yourself by doing the same. The effects are powerful.

13. Measure Results

Monitoring your progress and measuring results is an essential way to invest in yourself. Think about it: goal-setting is the destination, and planning is equivalent to deciding on the route and how to get to your destination. Measuring results, on the other hand, is making sure you are on the right road, making progress, and deciding if there is a shorter route that you could take because of obstacles. Let’s use an example: you establish a goal of learning to play the piano proficiently. You then plan on buying a piano, taking a class once a week with a local piano teacher and practicing 3 days per week. You also need to measure the results periodically to decide, for example, if the piano teacher you have hired is an effective one, or if you are practicing sufficiently or effectively.

14. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude reduces aggressive tendencies, promotes better sleep, greatly improves physical and psychological health, helps cultivate better relationships, and makes you happier. Keep a daily gratitude journal or spend a few minutes each day listing 5 things that you are truly grateful for.

15. Meditate and Practice Mindfulness

Learning to meditate and become mindful has a tremendous effect on your life. Spending as little as 10 minutes per day meditating will have a huge impact. Science has shown that meditation and mindfulness will improve your concentration, reduce stress, increase your levels of happiness, slow aging, raise your self-awareness, make you healthier, promote equanimity, and improve your acceptance of others.

16. Exercise

This one is a no-brainer! By exercising regularly you will be investing in a habit that creates a healthy mind and a healthy body. The benefits of exercise include disease prevention, better mood, lower body-fat and weight, increased energy, better sleep, and an improved sex life. There are so many different ways to exercise so find the kinds that you find fun.

17. Go for Medical Visits

Your health is extremely important and one way to ensure that you stay healthy is by making sure you do not neglect your regular medical check-ups and visits. Whether it is your dentist or doctor, invest the time in your health by going regularly because prevention is much better than seeking a cure.

18. Drink Less Alcohol

There is nothing wrong with a glass or 2 of wine. There also is nothing wrong with occasionally indulging in a couple of beers or stronger spirits. But many people imbibe too much alcohol too frequently. Not only is it bad for your liver and overall health, it also clouds your judgement, lowers inhibition, and leads to making questionable decisions. And too much alcohol greatly diminishes your ability to be mindful and productive. It also is expensive.

19. Practice Healthy Activities and Hobbies

One exciting way to invest in yourself is by making the effort to engage in wholesome and healthy activities, both indoors and outdoors. For example, you could kayak, hike, ride your bicycle, bird-watch, go on a picnic, visit a beach, play scrabble, do some gardening and grow your own herbs and vegetables, do yoga, etc. All of these activities will make you healthier, teach you new skills, facilitate camaraderie and make you a more interesting person to be around. The options are endless so find things that you truly enjoy.

20. Eat Healthier

By making better food choices and paying attention to your daily nutrition, you will be much healthier in the future. You will look better, feel better, and greatly increase your chances of living longer. Eating healthier can even affect your mood, and that affects every other aspect of your life.

21. Learn to Cook

Eating is an activity that most people engage in at least 3 times per day over the course of their lifetime. Learning to cook healthy and delicious food is a great skill that you can apply in your life. Not only does it save you a lot of money, it also is fun and can be a bonding activity between your family and friends. It also teaches you patience. You do not have to learn to become an Iron Chef. You can learn to prepare your favorite foods at home and control the types of ingredients you use. Most prepared and restaurant foods are not healthy and include excessive fat and preservatives.

22. Sleep and Wake Up Earlier

Getting to bed earlier and rising earlier in the morning is a trait that a vast majority of successful people have developed. It allows you to become more productive, enjoy quiet time, eat breakfast (the most important meal of the day), avoid rushing, cut back on your commute time, exercise before you start your day, and have more energy.

23. Stop Procrastinating

This might seem obvious, yet, most people are guilty of procrastination. Time is the most valuable asset we have because, once gone, it cannot be reclaimed. While it may seem nearly impossible to completely avoid procrastinating, reducing its frequency will facilitate amazing results. First of all, identify the most important actions you can take in your life that will lead to positive results. Secondly, reiterate the benefits in your mind and recognize how fulfilled and happy you will be if you complete the tasks at hand. Imagine as realistically as possible the feeling of having accomplished these tasks. No matter how difficult or daunting the task at hand may be, do it anyway. Once you develop the momentum, it will get easier as you go along. When you learn to manage or conquer procrastination, it will become easier and it will develop your character.

24. Manage Your Time

It is very important to manage your time effectively because time is so valuable. Make an audit of how you generally spend your time each day to see if you are prioritizing correctly. You may be surprised to learn that you spend too much time checking and updating your status on Facebook, looking at your phone, hitting the snooze button on your alarm and lazing in bed, watching frivolous reality TV, daydreaming, sitting in a bar, etc. Create a schedule that forces you to invest your time in the things that are most important.

25. Develop a Routine

Many people do not have a proper productive daily routine despite the fact that it is very powerful. Some even have unproductive and detrimental routines. Developing a daily routine provides your life with structure. It helps to make good habits automatic and reduces your reliance on willpower. It allows you to accomplish great things with less effort.

26. Travel

Make the time and expend the effort to travel as often as you can, including internationally. Rather than spend money on ‘stuff’, save your money and use it to create travel experiences and memories. You will learn a lot from traveling, especially outside of your comfort zone. You will learn new cultures, expose your palate to different types of food, and be immersed in a different language. It widens your perspective and makes you realize how the whole world is connected. Traveling also offers you a new and different perspective on life.

27. Save Your Money

It is extremely important to save part of your income diligently. I suggest that you decide what percentage of your income you want to save and set it aside each month or every 2 weeks. Do not touch that money, except in extreme emergencies. Building a nest-egg will cushion you from any unforeseen circumstances, and you will be happy that you did.

28. Invest Your Money

Once you have accumulated enough savings, it is important to invest part of that in assets that will appreciate. It could be as simple as an interest-bearing savings account or mutual fund. Stocks, real estate, and commodities are also options to consider. Diversify your investments to mitigate the risks. Investments that offer compounding interest really add up quickly if you are in it for the long haul and if you start investing early. For example, if you are 20 years old now and decide to invest $5000 in a one-time investment that earns an 8% annual return, you will have accumulated $160,000 by the time you are 65 (and that is assuming you make no further investments)! There are numerous online investment firms that will do the legwork for you and you can invest as little as $10 per month.

29. Spend Money on Experiences Rather Than Stuff

A great number of people spend money on material things that only bring temporary satisfaction. Within a short period of time, that satisfaction wears off and then they spend more money in order to accumulate more stuff. Rather than doing that, spend your money on wholesome experiences and memories such as travel, adventure, charity, a self-improvement course, a concert or play, etc. These memories and experiences will last you a lifetime.

30. Challenge Yourself and Do Things That Are Difficult

Human nature is such that people tend to shy away from doing things that they consider to be difficult or challenging, even if they know those activities are good for them. Make an effort to be aware of your way of thinking, and challenge yourself. It is natural to feel uncomfortable trying something new or taking on a new challenge. But the confidence and rewards you will reap from doing so are extremely worth it. View discomfort as your friend because it means that you are venturing outside of your comfort zone.

31. Use Visualization to Affect Your Beliefs

One of the best ways to invest in yourself is to change your beliefs and visualize your desired outcomes. Most people identify too closely with their thoughts without realizing that thoughts in themselves have no power unless they lead to action. Many people also have limiting beliefs that greatly influence how they conduct their lives. They believe that they cannot accomplish things or that they are not good enough. Fortunately, these negative beliefs can be changed with practice, and one way of doing this is via visualization or guided imagery. Limiting beliefs have been ingrained in you and, fortunately, they can be eradicated by replacing them with positive beliefs. Practice visualization and positive affirmations daily as often as you can and you will be amazed at the authentic power it will unleash in you.

32. Forgive

Holding a grudge and being angry with someone only holds you back in life. Scientific studies have shown that forgiveness actually is better for your health. It frees up energy that can be better used elsewhere. You will be happier and have better relationships. You will also become more empathetic and retain more control over your life.

33. Stop Trying to Win the Approval of Others

Many people worry too much about seeking the approval of others. They spend countless hours being concerned about what others think about them, to the point of being neurotic about it. While it is important to be sensitive about the feelings of others, you should not waste your time and energy trying to please everyone because you never will. Of course, apologize readily to others when you know you have done wrong, but also be confident in your abilities and character.

34. Take Pride in Your Appearance

Pay attention to your appearance and grooming. You should this for yourself and less so for the benefit of others, although it certainly will help you in social situations. Taking the time to dress well and groom yourself will make you happier and demonstrate discipline and organization. Realize that I am not talking about buying designer clothes. Rather, make an effort to iron and match your clothes, shave, comb your hair, practice proper hygiene, and refrain from slouching or biting your fingernails. You will feel better about yourself.

35. Love Yourself

This is one of the key elements of investing in yourself. Make an effort to love yourself unconditionally by using daily affirmation, self-reflection, and paying close attention to your thoughts and beliefs. A person who loves himself or herself is more likely to invest in themselves and make better decisions. Start listing what you like about yourself daily and stop trying to win the approval of others. Distance yourself from negative people and forgive yourself for your past mistakes. Practice gratitude for all that you have. You are worth it!

The term ‘invest’ is more often than not used in reference to property, shares, some kind of financial commitment, or the purchase of an asset which is intended to increase in value over time or improve an outcome.

But investing can also refer to ‘effort’ and or ‘time’, not simply a monetary contribution. We can also invest in people, not just ‘things’. We can invest in relationships (including the one we have with ourselves) as well as own personal and professional selves. However, investing in ourselves is not often something we budget for, or make a priority. We may unconsciously invest in ourselves when we make decisions which have a positive impact on our lives, but it’s not common for the average person to put aside money for their own self development. When people go to see a broker to talk ‘investment’ it’s not to discuss signing up to a local yoga class, subscribe to the local organic veggie box or enrol in an online business school.

Investing in your personal and professional growth will not only yield future returns, it also presents you with ‘right now’ benefits. The time, effort and money you invest into yourself will have a direct impact on the quality of life you experience now and well into the future. Some of the most successful people alive today attribute much of their success to their investment into their own personal development and wellbeing. Investing in yourself helps to create a strong and secure foundation with which to build on throughout your life and will impact your ability to prosper, perform, achieve your goals and live to the fullest.

Here are some simple examples of how your can invest in yourself

Self Development:

Courses, workshops, reading ‘self-help’ books, embracing new experiences, travelling, expanding your awareness and horizons, pushing your boundaries and comfort zones all to help create a rich life experience. Engaging in personal growth may give you the opportunity to improve the following:


Listening skills

Empathy towards others

Being more focused, gaining more clarity

Your ability to set and achieve goals

Being more organised

Confronting and overcoming fears

Moving beyond self doubt

Your ability to cope with change

Learning, training, and skills development:

Enrolling in TAFE, university or other short courses or training to expand your skill set, increase your knowledge base and expertise or to develop a specialty can all contribute to a more satisfying and rewarding career. Investing in skills and training may result in the following:

Broaden employment options and career prospects

Increase productivity

Encourage innovation

Increase earning potential

Increase confidence in the workplace

Improved job satisfaction

Health and Well-being:

No matter how well your shares are going on the stock market or how many investment properties you might have, without good health these are worthless. Your health is one of your most valuable assets, and spending money on improving your wellbeing should be a priority. Investing in healthy, nutritious food, fitness, and stress reduction are all valuable ways to look after the essential assets that are your your body and mind and may assist with the following:

Reduced stress

Increased energy and productivity

Improve sleep

Improved mood

Increase overall health

Improved life expectancy

Reduced potential medical costs

Improved relationships

Investing in yourself means spending time and money to improve yourself on different levels, including professional, physical, mental, emotional, and financial levels.

The main reason to invest in yourself is that it is the only investment that will 100% pay you back. No matter what happens to the market, your job, or global situation, when you’re healthy, wise, and smart, you’ll have a place under the sun.

The best way to become successful, leave a better life, achieve financial independence is to put priority into investing in professional and personal growth. The quality of your life today and in the future directly depends on the efforts you make to investing in yourself.

Therefore invest in your education, health, and skills to live a better life.

1. Take responsibility for your own life.

Now, pay attention. This is a very significant thing to understand that will boost your life. Let me repeat this: take responsibility for your own life. This is your life, and everything you have or do with your life is totally your responsibility. Not your parents, not your teachers, not your boss, and not even your partner. You are the person who makes decisions about your life.

This doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want and not consider other people’s opinions or forget about the consequences. It merely means that whatever you have now and at whatever position you are now is 99% the result of your decisions and your work.

The good news is that it is totally in your power to change things for the better. So, stop blaming your parents, economy, or your boss for your misfortunes. Please take responsibility for your life into your hand and make it the best life possible.

2. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Without clear goals, a life journey is a hustle with no purpose. Therefore, invest some time into thinking about things you’d like to have or achieve, set goals, and take action.

Using S.M.A.R.T. criteria can help you set and achieve these goals. This abbreviation stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. In order to make sure that you will meet your goals, try to set the goals that will be all of the above.

3. Learn how money work.

Read financial freedom books, blogs, and listen to podcasts. Understand the basics of how to make, save money, and grow your income. No matter what your job is, knowing how money works will help you increase income, make 6 figures or even more, reach life goals and live a better life. My favorite books on financial freedom that changed the attitude to money and gave a whole new perspective on how money work are.

4. Take care of your physical health.

Exercise, eat healthy products, drink a lot of water, and incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle. Get enough sleep, try to reduce stress, or learn how to manage it. After all, you can’t achieve any goals or simply enjoy life if there is no “you.” So do whatever it takes to improve your health, lifestyle to live a long and happy life.

5. Take care of your emotional health.

I’m a true believer that everyone at least once in a lifetime needs to talk to a physiologist. Panic attacks, toxic relationships, low moods, stress, etc. destroy our precious energy, eat our time, and prevent us from living the best life possible.

Therefore I strongly suggest thinking of the emotional issues you may have and work through them with a specialist.

It is, at the very least, will clear your mind and help to stay focused on opportunities your life gives you instead of bragging about the problems you have.

6. Constantly improve your professional skills.

One of the most popular sources of income people have are their day jobs. When we constantly improve our skills, we become a better professional who can make a career in a short time with an increase in salary or find a better job that pays well.

7. Learn something new.

A wise investor diversifies his income. Therefore invest in yourself by acquiring new skills to occupy your mind, develop creative thinking, or have a side hustle that brings you money.

8. Spend wisely.

Audit your expenses and the attitude to the spending. Don’t spend money on things you don’t quite need or can’t afford.

9. Save 10% from each paycheck.

No matter what, invest in yourself first. Set aside a safe amount of at least 10% from each paycheck you receive to start saving money for your goals. Read about importance of saving 10% in a book The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S Clason. You can finish it in a weekend, so invest one weekend to change your life to a better one.

10. Open investment accounts.

Don’t just let the money stay on saving bank account. The money should work. Starting small investing in investment account whenever possible. Research such tools as Betterment or Acorns allows starting to invest even small amounts.

11. Find a business coach or a mentor.

One of the wisest investments into yourself can be hiring a business coach or a mentor who will help you speed up your professional and personal growth.

12. Keep in touch with friends and family.

Invest time in building and keeping relationships. They say that one of the biggest regrets dying people have is that they didn’t keep in touch with friends and family. You may not understand it now, but relationships are a very important part of our life, and they can either make it a horrible or a happy experience.

13. Organize your home or personal space.

Invest in yourself by creating a better place around you. A place that will help you relax, enjoy, and provide a positive environment for personal growth. A small and budget makeover or simply decluttering your space can give you room to breathe, therefore, create.

14. Get rid of guilt.

Get over any guilt you may have. It is a destructive feeling. If you need to apologize for something to someone, do it. If it is impossible to do in person, close your eyes, ask for forgiveness, and let it go. What is very important is to forgive yourself for not being a, or b, or c. Sometimes we set very high goals or make simple mistakes. Instead of overthinking our experiences, we need to look at them as lessons, make conclusions, and move on.

15. Create positive vibes.

Get rid of toxic relationships, unhealthy habits, things you don’t like but still have in your life. Staying on the positive side and minimizing the negativity will drastically improve your life and make it better.

16. Learn to say “no”.

It is ok to say no. Invest some time to plant this thought into your mind. It is totally appropriate to decline things that will not bring you joy, but on the opposite will waste your time, energy, and resources. Why do that? No reason. And that is a good reason to say “no” to things you don’t like or don’t want to do.

17. Learn to say “yes”.

My favorite saying states: “what’s wrong with right now?” Be open to new possibilities, new experiences, new relationships, and new habits. These kinds of investments will enrich your life in many wonderful ways and open options you might miss or never have.

18. Travel.

As Saint Augustine said, The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.

Nothing, in my humble opinion, will inspire you as much as traveling, seeing new places, and having adventures. For that reason, invest in yourself to discover the world at its best to get back home and create a better life for you.

19. Learn how to understand critics.

The reason why anyone should waste their time trying to learn how to take criticism is that critics are mere reviews people give.

This should help change your attitude toward criticism. Just think of any critics you get as a review. Sometimes it is accurate, and we may listen, improve, and do a better job. Sometimes it is irrelevant, therefore no need to pay attention.

Like saying that the green sweater is green, but you want it pink. You can answer: “Well, ok, I hear you. This is your opinion and your wish. But I have a green sweater, and this is the way I want it to be. Thanks for your care, though. It is very nice of you.” Something like that.

Invest some time into learning how to deal with criticism and not let people upset you.

20. Pursue only your true goals.

Learn the difference between YOUR true desires and other people’s goal. Don’t wait for others’ approval. The reason you are investing in yourself is that you want to be a better person, not to do it so somebody will be happy.

Achieve your goals, live your life, not the goals and lives of others.

Some people think that having a nice car, or a big house or fancy clothes, is prestigious. It may be true, but it also may be the things you don’t need. I know that I’d better spend money on a trip to Europe than on a new car. Or take a new online course than buy a big TV.

Moreover, in both of these examples, the cost of a car and a TV set is multiple times higher than the cost of a trip to Europe, not even talking about online courses. You can have multiple trips around the world and have an old but still running car, than riding a luxury car and having no money to travel.

21. Reward yourself.

You don’t need your parents to say: “Good job!” or a friend who is going to pat you on the shoulder to reward yourself for achievement. You have you, and you can give yourself all the love, care, and recognition you need.

Therefore, set SMART goals, and remember to reward yourself with every milestone or achievement reached. This will give you motivation and desire to go on, achieve your goals, and live a life you deserve.

It is one of the tips that helps me stay productive. I persuade myself to do something and set a reward (a new dress or going to movies, something S.M.A.R.T.) and give it once the goal achieved.

To live a full life, it is essential to make every day count. Invest in yourself to have a better financial situation, better health, and better opportunities tomorrow compared to what you have today.

How to improve, invest in yourself and self improvement occurring pattern, a way of thinking, acting and communicating that gives the ability to invest in yourself for becoming best version of them.We’ve had plenty of time for introspection lately, as we look back on past activities and habits. Now we’re looking forward to what the future has in store. You can set yourself up for success with one key action: investing in yourself.When we think of investing, our minds automatically turn to meddling with individual stocks or trying to figure out how to make a real estate investment work. While these types of investments are important (and everyone ought to start investing as soon as possible, to grow their wealth over time), it’s even more important to invest in yourself. But what does that even mean? Taking the time to develop your own skills and teach yourself valuable lessons can pay off in the long run. Here are a few ways to make yourself more valuable as an “asset” so that you can maintain your human capital over time.Self-improvement requires change. It requires us to do things we're not familiar with, that we're uncomfortable with. But our routines, the expectations we've built for how our life runs, they don't allow for the uncomfortable. And so, they don't allow for growth. In this book On your journey to a better you, recognize that self-improvement begins with self-awareness. Knowing yourself, your habits, your motives, and your values will make it easier to transform your problem areas. Taking a good look at yourself from within will help you to realize who you truly are.

Be a better version of yourself

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