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8 Effective Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before an Exam

ARVIND UPADHYAY INTERNATIONAL -Worlds Leader in personal development, life ,success and more .Get Our Pass

Make Sure to Study!

exam nerves

This one is obvious, right? But, it’s often the simple and obvious truths that are not heeded. If you’re well prepared for an exam and have given the material the needed time and attention to master it, chances are you’ll be feeling a lot less nervous. It sure beats cramming all night, giving up sleep and rushing short of breath into the classroom! If you’ve waited that long, you probably should be nervous!

Practice Calmness

practice calmness

Like a lot of things in life, some people seem to achieve calmness easier than others with little effort. If you’re one of those people who doesn’t naturally just flow with life, you’ll need to practice settling your nerves before going in to take the big exam.

Get Enough Sleep

get enough sleep online schooling

This is another obvious one, right? Everyone knows that sleep is not just a requirement for academic success but is necessary for good health. A recent study shows that a large majority of college students fail on a regular basis to get enough sleep. A lack of sleep carries with it a number of negative symptoms including depression, lessened affability, memory problems, diminished critical thinking skills as well as anxiety and nervousness. A sleepy student is a poorer and more anxious student. Sources suggest that college students should try to get a minimum of 7-8 hours of solid sleep each night in order to maintain good health and calm those nerves.

Practice Deep Breathing

exam nerves

Breathing is good for one’s health! Not a shocker here! All too often, however, stress creates anxiety and nervousness, which affect our breathing patterns. Over a period of time, this seems to reinforce feelings of anxiety and nervousness. Exam nerves can also have this effect. It is important to be aware of breathing when managing stressful situations. 

Stretch to Relax


Many traditions throughout the world have developed very specific forms of stretching in the contexts of meditation, prayer, and/or relaxation. Researchers in several studies have shown that stretching can help reduce stress and feelings of anxiety and nervousness.

Have a Nice Cup of Tea

relaxing cup of tea studying

Tea has been a part of human culture and religion for thousands of years. It even played a significant, if indirect, part in the founding of the United States at the Boston Tea Party. But, did you know that some teas can help reduce anxiety and feelings of stress and nervousness? A warm cup of tea may help you settle nerves frazzled by study and exam anxiety. The warmth of the liquid, the patient’s process of sipping and the effects of the tea itself work together to calm the spirits of every test taker. There are several kinds of tea purported to help calm feelings of stress. 

Exercise to Reduce Anxiety and Settle Nerves

Like some of the other ways to control exam day nervousness, this option will likely take some long-term commitment. Studies have shown there is a strong link between regular exercise and a sense of well-being and health that can reduce anxiety and help with stress. Exercise has been shown to cause the release of “feel-good” endorphin chemicals. Along with the chemical effect, exercise serves to focus the mind away from other concerns, including the big test coming up. Exercise also helps boost confidence, foster more social interaction, and provide healthy ways to cope with the stresses of college life.

Keep Perspective

keeping perspective

If you are overly anxious or nervous about an exam, chances are you have lost a bit of perspective. There is life after the big test. Life is more than scholastic success. It is true that success in college depends a great deal on how you do on your exams and success in college is so important for getting a good job. However, one test will almost never make or break your college career. Good health and study habits will boost confidence for the big exams, and reasonable expectations will help us not put too much pressure on ourselves. So, make it easier, be patient with yourself, and just do the best you can.

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