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1.Rich people think abundance but poor people think lack. In America and many western countries, it is largely irrelevant what rich people think of poor people. Shocking right? Here’s one thing that most people won’t tell you: most rich people pretend that poor people don’t exist, except as some fanciful intellectual ‘concept’ which they create in their minds. The truth is that most rich people have very limited interactions with poor people on a daily basis. Everything from where they shop for groceries to where they vacation to where they spend their leisure time is opposite to where poor people spend their time. So any rich person whose only interaction with poor people (which is most of them) is to give them a few bucks on the street a few times a year is grossly unqualified to give their opinions on poor people. Right now the trend is for rich people to say that the government doesn’t do enough for poor people and that they should be given more government services. They also feel like rich people should pay more taxes. At other times the trend is that poor people deserve what they have and that they should ‘pull themselves up by their bootstraps’ and make their lives better. But the truth is that until rich people make a concerted effort to reach out to poor people (perhaps volunteering their time and hard efforts into helping them) they will never really know what it takes to help society’s poorest. I'll share a story. He was in this restaurant on a date. It was a very expensive restaurant and we put in half our month's stipend to enjoy the ambience. On the very next table was a woman may be in her early thirties. She was present there with 4 of her very good friends, I suppose and I was listening to their conversation (now I know its not a good habit, but you can't always ignore such things) She was telling some other woman(her friend) that she suspects her maid is stealing on some rice grains everyday. She made it clear that none of the expensive stuffs go missing, none of the kitchen cutlery has been moved, she cleans the house really well, she even recommended her maid to the other woman. Then why would she suspect her to rob just a few grain of rice everyday. Thankfully another friend of her asked her what makes you feel so suspicious about her. To which she gave an answer I was shocked to listen. She said, the maid has been refusing to take the leftovers of the lunch and dinner since a week now and gives a reason to the woman that because its diwali season, she is so busy these days that she cannot manage to make the food reach in edible condition by the end of the day. The woman then told her friends that I also saw her messing with the rice container several days. Now I don't really know how much of this is true. But imagine a woman, who is paying so much to sit in a restaurant, to just chat with her friends over such issues, you can clearly tell she is rich. Now what difference it will make if a handful of rice grains go missing everyday.(assuming what she said is true) and it is not even that she feels like the maid is of the habit of stealing, in fact she recommended her maid to somebody else. That clearly shows she had faith in her and is happy with her work. Then why talk so low of someone. I have never really come across any other incident like this, relating the rich and the poor. This is the only one. So I can't really comment on either of the side. But I just felt like sharing this incident. Wealthy people have so many things to think about on how best to secure and preserve their wealth and have not much time thinking about poor people. The only time wealthy people remember poor people is when they plan how to take whatever the poor people have left. In this life, rain falls more on the poor than on the rich. Why, because the rich has taken the poor’s umbrella.From the perspective of having been there once (or very close—closer than I realized at the time), this is my answer based on myself alone as I can’t speak for others: First let me say that I didn’t have kids. Anyone who starts early in life having and rearing children, with no good financial prospects, has their future pretty much cut out for them with little hope for a “break through” unless they are extremely determined, energetic, and focused, and LUCKY individuals. Having got that out of the way, here is my take on, not what I think of “poor people” but what I know about myself when I was “poor”. I’m speaking here strictly of “poor” in the sense that I had no ladder with ascending rungs on which to climb socially and financially: I literally didn’t understand that a journey of a thousand miles really does start with that one first step, so with no plan for how to get from A to B to C, etc., I just walked around in circles getting nowhere fast. Whenever I tried to think of what was necessary to improve my prospects in life, I would quickly become overwhelmed, mental and physical fatigue would set in, and I’d become psychologically paralyzed and depressed. To get myself out of this funk of hopelessness and dread, I would spend what little money I had on party clothes and dance and drink the nights away. I could never really believe that if I put a few bucks in the bank every week, it would amount to something substantial in a couple of years. Anyway, my concept of time was also way off kilter, and to me, two years was like 200. So, I spent everything I had as fast as I could. I’m not sure, but I think undiagnosed childhood afflictions like ADD and dyslexia made school difficult for me. My papers were always disorganized, I talked nonstop and wandered around the classroom in LaLaLand. I fell further and further behind, especially in math; and by the time I was in HS, the writing was pretty much on the wall that I would probably not graduate. I also developed a disdain for authority figures. That didn’t help me garner support from adults in a position to help. My stepping stones toward any kind of a viable future were crumbling under my plodding, trodding feet before they were even fully formed (the steps, not my feet). As a person of poor means, I often lived in a kind of mind fog. My senses were dulled and deadened. My mental wit dissipated. It was too easy to get temporary relief from TV and movies, junk food, and yes, even reading good books can be a bad habit when used as an escape from serioius life problems. After a while, one becomes embittered and hostile, blaming a “dog-eat-dog” world for our misery, having increasingly acrimonious encounters with people every day: cashiers, taxi/bus drivers, strangers at the produce counter—you name it. Everyone becomes The Enemy. With no friends, no support, and no willingness to bend with a little humility, our self-protective ego becomes this hardened, pus-y boil, ready to pop under the slightest pressure. We live in a relatively “free” society, but it has been my observation that (until very recently) society put up many barriers to entry for a person to make an independent financial success of their lives. I’m not talking about racial and ethnic prejudices here, but the paths to success that were considered acceptable. I was an intelligent person, healthy, etc. However, going to college didn’t suit my temperament. I think I would have done well in an apprenticeship environment in the food industry such as is done in Europe. Many great European chefs have risen from the murky, steamy depths of the kitchen sink, washing dishes. But, apprenticeships in the U.S. are only just barely beginning to make a comeback after being shelved for many, many, many decades in favor of very expensive, cookie-cutter specialty educations. If you’re unlucky enough to be born a “square cookie”—good luck and good riddance. In summary, I would say that many lacks go into making a Poor Person. Lack of education, instinctive understanding of how to “play the game”, a vision and a plan for the future. Too many relatively cheap, easy pleasures/distractions keep them (us) mired in the corner taverns and saloons, free public spaces like beaches, parks, even libraries, movie theaters, and sex. Yeah, sex. It’s relatively easy to obtain, inexpensive, and for a very brief, fleeting moment, one hasn’t a care in the world.We welcome you to join us. We don't look down on you because you bleed just like I do. As a Jamaican I think the poor is only poor because they lack the set of world class beliefs to be rich and they lack the awareness. The rich have the awareness of how to create wealth and know what to do. Because of a higher financial awareness we think the mindset of poor people is stupid with money. We see how we were stupid with money. While the masses criticize we are working more at becoming richer, hoping that someday you'll see the light. 
2. rich have completely different mindset when how to make money. people see opportunities ,poor see problems mind their association,while poor don't make their money work for them ,while poor work for money

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